2009年9月26日 星期六

Hot, Flat n Crowded

When we talking about global warming ,
what is actually we talking about?
Global warming is about the climate change- the changing of the weather.
In more specific, we are talking about preventing of the CO2 doubling in the atmosphere.
If humankind doubling the CO2 , all the changing of climate and many disaster will happen.
according to the professor of resource , he explain to sentences.
To preventing the CO2, the usage of the electricity must be control n reduce.
For the report of usage of electricity , the world is spending 13 trillon walt per day.
Consider, China n India growing so rapidly, the usage of the electric is increasing dramatic.
when it go to 2050 year, the usage of the electricity will go up to 28 trillon walt per day.
If we going like that, we are going to kill our earth.
We must conserve the usage of electricity 13 trillon walt and produce 13 trillon walt of electricity from clean power.
That is a inconvenience truth tat human does not want to face.

2009年9月12日 星期六

I need u like I need the air to breathe.

等待我 請等待我 直到約定融化成笑顏

Everything i do i think bout u, u mean everything to me.
no matter how far u r, i will be right here waiting .
the love i share to u is more than forever n there is no boundaries.
I want to hold ur hand tight , n bring the happiness to u .
with you , we hope we can c the future clear.
If i had to live the life without u , the day will empty.
The word cant express wat i wan to say to u .
There is too many thing want to say.
I love u .