2009年11月25日 星期三


SInce last 3 years i following many report regarding to the global warming..
but every 3 month the report come out .. it state tat the global warming n the climate change.. everytime i saw the climate change is underestimated. THe record keep grow rapidly with unregular grow.
Everyday i see the national georaphic on TV1. Today the show talked about the animal extinction and the wildlife conservation ..
Got a couple of sciencist went to north amerika to capture all the animal tat facing the extinction problem. To protect our next generation got chance to c the extinction animal thru the picture n some video clip..
The animal was west indigo snake, florida hamster, red wolf , the manzanita..
bout the redwolf , 50 left on the earth . it live near the farming area ,so all the farmer r not bother bout the extinction problem facing by the red wolf but kill them when they come near.. It was a sad fact.
it oso got talk bout many bettle n small creatures n bugs facing extinction problem..
actually the small creatures help to clean water n help the grass n flower to grow n other many thing else tat benefit to our mothernature.
all the thing in the nature in to contact each other and all cant live without 1 is losed
mankind is the king of the earth, hopefully we use our knowledge well in protecting animal.

2009年11月14日 星期六

Wat is about life?

Wat is life about?
wat is the aim for life?
It is crucial time to let us think wat r all life about.
Simply question but tough to answer.
everytime i ask myself isiz we r too lucky to be born n have a comfortable life.
I am oways wondering wat is the duty for a human .
I am searching for the answer since 2 year ..
but wat i get is mostly of the human busy for work > money > .
Try to be more understand n know bout urself wat u actually doing for ur life.
Tat is important to make u motive in the future.
A person tat dun hav target or n aim is called A dead person.
if u answer me wat is life about>?
i am search for more for my life n learn more .
it might no be a great answer but i hope to learn more skill n knowledge as well.